

General Reading


Ababa speed reading 

Booksandauthors   Interviews, Reviews, Contests and Book Clubs

CNN Online reference on thousands of subjects.

English Reading Database Reading materials 

ESL Reading Materials & Tools Reading lessons, short stories, news articles 

Font Styles The English alphabet in different font styles or typefaces

Free exercises to improve your English

Good Friday: the tale of Henri the robot

Good Neighbours Children's story for Young Learners with grammar/comprehension questions and answers.

Helen's ESL Jokes Jokes for ESL students.

Helping Kids with Math and Reading

InSight Cinema: Don't miss out on all the new movies!  InSight Cinema is a non profit organization bringing open captioned films (English enhanced subtitles) to neighborhood theatres throughout the United States.  InSight Cinema, The Audience is Reading! 

Lil' Fingers Storybooks Animated stories for parents to read with their kids. Stories are presented with large text and big buttons for little fingers to click on.

Linguapress Magazines Informative news and cultural magazines in graded English, for students and teachers, for class and private reading.

Maxwell Loses a Tooth Children's story for Young Learners with grammar/comprehension questions and answers. 

Metronome for speed reading

Microsoft Encarta Encyclopaedia with more than 40,000 articles on the world of knowledge.

MindsOrb Reading Learn to read English in weeks.

News Portal for ESL Students Learn English by reading latest news from hundreds of on-line sources and use tools such as dictionaries, translators and references.

Online Reader with English Dictionary Look up words and idioms while reading on the web.

Reading Comprehension Connection Interactive online lessons that help improve students’ reading comprehension with frequent feedback.

Read More: Bargain books, biographies, dictionaries, recommended reading books

Short Stories Hundreds of scripts and screenplays to read online.

Speed Reading Software Unleash your reading genius.

StudyMyEnglish Offers free English practice exercises for students as well as resources for instructors. Also, it offers reading comprehension exercises, antonym and sentence completion questions, as well as analogy exercises for students, as well as downloadable worksheets for instructors. Also, provides vocabulary exercises, which can be of particular help for students who are trying to improve their vocabulary. Exercises have been developed specifically for students who are preparing for the GRE, SAT or ACT, as well as for students who are learning English as a second language.

The Metro Short story

The Naom Chomsky Archive

This Week in History

Tower of English Reading Page Lots of great web sites where you can practice your reading.

World News CIA World News